Friday, August 20, 2010

Images and Podcasts

In week four of Managing E-Learning, the focus of the lesson was on images and podcasts. We had a look through many different sites where we were able to view and use images and then talked briefly about podcasts.
I can't find a microphone around anywhere so I am unable to produce my own podcast. I don't believe that using podcasts made by myself would benefit my classroom, because the content of what would go onto the podcast, I could simply just say without having to go through the process of recording my voice. If there was information which I might not know myself or is said much better by someone who knows more on a certain topic, then podcasting would definately be of use to the auditory learners in my class.
There's a Native American proverb that says, "Tell me, and I'll forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I'll understand."
I believe if all that a teacher does to try and teach their students is talk, the students won't remember or understand. Students need interaction with equipment, with each other and with the teacher to learn.
Images are probably a lot more effective than podcasting, for it gives the students something to look at and link to information which associates with it.
In PE, multiple images can be used to describe and illustrate how to perform a certain skill (as shown below- how to serve in volleyball). Images can be uploaded and printed as posters on walls for inspiration.

Retrieved from


  1. hey hannah, yes i totally agree with you on the images perspective and how you can inspire students in achieving the right outcome in having muti pictures in a classroom. As students can view those stages of a skill and work out where they can improve.

  2. Hi Hannah, I agree with you and Davooo7 on the images perspective and how you can inspire students in achieving the right outcome in having multi pictures in the classroom. Thanks for a great read. Catherine van Moolenbroek

  3. Hi Hannah. Certainly true - especially in your context of teaching HPE - that pictures are much more effective for instruction. However, I'm not so sure if I can agree with the general statement you made that images are more effective than podcasts simply because it gives a visual link to the information. I would like to believe that for some learners who have a preference for aural learning, podcasts would be just as engaging as pictures.
